HHUM Capstone Exemplars
The Health & Medical Humanities would like to recognize the outstanding HHUM 4800 Capstone projects from some of our exceptional students.
Amore’ McCullough

My capstone project focused on depression in elderly widows. My deliverable consisted of a flyer and program outline. I created an organization that focused on partnering with hospice organizations to provide noninvasive intervention programs and workshops for older individuals coping with the loss of a spouse.
Izzie Falls

I did my Health and Medical Humanities Capstone Project on the health of people without housing. In this project, I wrote a research paper based on the topic of health and homelessness and followed with an oral presentation. Additionally, I created an infographic that explains the ways to assist homeless populations with healthcare and wellbeing.
KG Smith
Kennedy Stallworth
Many stigmas about mental health in the U.S. keep people at a distance. During the COVID-19 pandemic (Summer 2021), this film was created with great concern for the future of our world and nation’s healthcare system to showcase the empirical knowledge of those inside mental healthcare and healthcare systems through dialogue.
Maya Thompson
African American Single Mothers and Mental Health
Gabrielle Ruiz
I researched PTSD among Black women in America. Within this project, I created an Instagram page that offers the opportunity to learn, explore, navigate, and understand what PTSD may look like for women and marginalized groups without closing off that information to a broader population.
Lola Olosu
For my Health & Medical Humanities capstone project, I recorded an entertaining and informative TikTok video marketed towards a wellness group that works to decrease the incidence of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity in African-American women. To address “Sisters in Motion” in a fun and effective way, I brought in three mock professionals from different backgrounds to suggest improving different areas of our lives that will decrease the possibilities of encountering this chronic illness.
Kayla Jessup
Throughout my last semester of college at UNC Charlotte (Spring 2022), I researched the topic of mindfulness in healthcare for my minor in Health & Medical Humanities. I looked at all the benefits of incorporating mindfulness into physicians’ practices and how it can improve chronic pain and the side effects of cancer. I formed a website with all of the information I found under Dr. Margaret Quinlan’s supervision and gave many examples of how you can practice mindfulness in your everyday life. Link to my website.
Jacqueline Stephens
Under the advisement of Dr. Erin Basinger, Jacqueline Stephens used her HHUM 4480 capstone portfolio to marry her two majors, Fine Arts and Health Systems Management, with her Health & Medical Humanities Minor. Her portfolio features original art, class projects, photographs, and reflections from her studies abroad, framed through the lens of the knowledge she gained in the HHUM minor. Jacqueline graduated in May 2020. Congrats, Jacqueline! You can view her portfolio here.
Makiya Parker
For my HHUM Capstone project, I chose the topic of my interest, maternal and infant mortality. Structural racism in the United States shows insufficient access and inferior quality of care for black women. Healthcare providers should be very attentive to all races, no matter the color of their skin. I created a Change.org petition under the supervision of Dr. Amber Knight to provide knowledge on maternal and infant mortality. After graduation, I would like to advocate for African Americans on specific racial disparity issues, which continue to rise daily. I created an e-portfolio.
Mercury Carver
Under the guidance of Professor Shanice Cameron, this project encompasses a broad and in-depth look into the workings of the brain as it is affected by music while combining aspects from Health & Medical Humanities, and Psychology. The project includes a website that shows interviews held by students from UNC Charlotte and a 17-page paper that goes into more detail.
Cassie Camp
Cassie is a junior Nursing major at Charlotte with a double minor in Health & Medical Humanities and Spanish. Dr. Teresa Scheid was her advisor for her capstone project during Summer 2022. Her capstone focuses on errors in the medical field and how healthcare providers should fight to change them. It highlights patients as whole beings instead of a diagnosis, fighting for more diversity in the workplace, and the importance of older adults in our society. You can view her PowerPoint here.
Karly Freeman
For my Capstone Portfolio for my HHUM minor, I researched Adverse Childhood Experiences and the benefits of understanding what they are and how one may be exposed to them. I also wanted to express how common it is for individuals to suffer from ACEs and how they can connect with those around them who may understand. You can view her website here.
Isabel Varela
This brochure shares an overall idea of a career in Occupational Therapy. This may help anyone who wants information on becoming an OT and gain perspective on the job.
Yaritza Villalobos
Medically Underserved Populations in North Carolina and Internationally
Chesney Wooten
Joaly Canseco
Sneha Thilak
“Despite the United States being the country that spends the most on healthcare, it has the highest maternal mortality rates among developed countries. Understanding that inequities in health outcomes based upon race, class, and gender are created and sustained by both policy and practice is imperative to dismantle oppressive systems that allow such injustices to occur. Addressing these inequities warrants the collaboration and communication of several stakeholders on all spheres of influence, as this is a multifaceted issue and demands a multi-faceted solution.” Check out this link to the presentation.