Julie Cannon

Julie Cannon

Assistant Professor
Communication Studies
Colvard 5016

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication Studies. My program of research investigates the narrative mechanisms that are theorized to improve intergroup attitudes and support, especially in areas where these findings indicate ambivalence. Specifically, I have studied the ways people respond to messages about nutrition and parenting experiences when the source is a perceived outgroup member. I have also been a member of externally funded research teams investigating label-based smoking cessation interventions, sugary drink policy argument strength, food handling practice PSAs, and a skin cancer prevention media literacy intervention. 

Research Interests

  • Mediated messaging, especially narratives and the persuasive mechanisms through which they prompt changes in attitudes and support for pro-social health-related policy

HHUM Core Course

  • HHUM 4800: Health & Medical Humanities Capstone

HHUM Elective 

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